Content Review
- Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2–3 paragraphs in length.
- Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
- Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your Instructor can see which question you are responding to.
- After reviewing pages 375-386 in your course text, summarize how children’s socializing experiences relate to the physical, economic, social, and personal conditions of the community in which they live.
- Communities can offer families vital prevention, support, and rehabilitation services. Review pages 390-396 in your text. Choose one example from each of these areas and explain why each is integral to healthy child and family development.
- It can be said that caring communities “improve the opportunities for every young person, regardless of circumstances, to become a healthy, secure, educated, economically self-sufficient, and productive adult” (Berns, 2015, p. 396). From your perspective as a future early childhood professional, identify and explain three ways that a caring community can meet the needs ofyoung children and their families, including those with the greatest needs
This assignment is due Sunday @ 12:00pmest
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