Course Information

Course Information

Course Information

Course Name/Section Number:Nursing research/NUR 390- 105
Instructor’s Name:Dr. Huffman
Coach’s NameMelissa Cartolano, MSN

Group Member Contact Information (Who is in our group?)

Group Member’s NamePrimary E-mail AddressSecondary contact informationPreferred method of contact

Group Values (What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)

What Each Team Member Agrees to DoWhy This Is Important to the Team
Check into the Group Forum regularly (each group should specifically define what they consider regular or at least a minimum) to review progress on the assignment.

Stay up to date on group work, allows for consistent communication, allows for thorough completion of assignments.
Contribute ideas and feedback to the group from initial discussions throughout project completion.Atmosphere of open communication, free flow of ideas leads to improved quality of work and better group dynamics
Communicate with all group members as soon as a problem or issue arises.Quickly resolve challenges to be able to efficiently accomplish goals.
Submits work that is reflective of a student in a baccalaureate professional nursing program.Maintaining professional grade work is reflective of the student’s commitment to ongoing learning processes and contributes to furthering the student’s abilities.
Does not expect team members to consistently correct your work.Looking over each other’s work is expected in a group and informing each other of corrections needing to be made is a courtesy, however, it is not someone else’s responsibility to do your job for you. Each group member has his or her own life outside of school, therefore, it becomes a matter of respect and personal accountability.
Maintain respectful communications with all team members.Respect is the foundation to building a trusting and professional atmosphere.
Complete assigned tasks by the deadlines set by the team members.Once again, this becomes an issue of respect. Issues may arise that require accommodation, but missing deadlines outside of extenuating circumstances undermines a trusting and respectful dynamic.
Take a leadership role in group assignments.This allows for focused direction in the group’s mission.
Make sure to cite and reference all sources of information used in completing tasks.Citing sources allows the reader to check those sources for credibility. Not citing sources brings into question the credibility of the writer(s) and can also lead to issues of plagiarism.
Contact coach/faculty if a concern/issue arises with a team member that the group is challenged in attempting to resolveAllows for peaceful resolution of the issue when the group cannot do it themselves. Situations are sometimes better viewed from the outside, leading to solutions which may not have otherwise been thought of.
Able to communicate that individual grade for group work may be earned if evidence supports that work is not of expected quality, does not address all questions or does not provide appropriate references. Expects other members of the group to correct work for content and/or grammar.The group should not suffer due to the lack of effort by a single member. If one person is not doing the work, and the rest of the group is picking up for that individual, the one who is not doing his job should not be credited for other people’s work.

Project Management Specifics (What needs to be undertaken to complete the group’s project?)

Group Member’s Name (can be one or more team members)Task to be Completed by This Team MemberDue Date for Completing the Task
Outlining the project.
Assigning tasks to group members.
Performing searches on assigned topics and writing it up for members to review.
Making sure everyone meets their assigned deadlines for tasks.
Proofreading and editing the paper.
Submitting the paper by the due date deadline.

Group Interaction Guidelines (How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?)

What Could Happen To Impede Our Teamwork?What We Will Do if This Happens?
A member doesn’t provide project ideas or feedback to other team members.
A member doesn’t complete his/her task at all.
A member completes his/her task, but turns it in after the agreed-upon due date.
A team member submits work to the team that the team identifies as incomplete, inaccurate, or needs considerable revisions of content.
A team member submits work that needs considerable APA revisions or grammar and spelling corrections.

How will the group respond if there is evidence that a group member(s) displays the behavior of:

***A Free rider (this behavior is defined as occurring when one or more group members leave most or all of the work to a few, more diligent, members.
***A Social loafer (describes the tendency of group members to exert less effort than they can or should because of the reduced sense of accountability)
***Initiating Conflict between/among group members

***Adapted from: Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation, Retrieved [date you accessed the