Describe any side effects and adverse effects of the drug

Describe any side effects and adverse effects of the drug

Critical Review The final assignment for this class will be a 10-12page critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (broadly defined to include psychological and neurological disorders as well). The review will use peer-reviewed sources to evaluate the current drug treatment modalities for the selected disorder and determine the adequacy of those treatments. The paper will be evaluated on the inclusion of the following information: Introduction Evaluate the disorder in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation. Include the time course and progression of the disorder. Evaluate and explain special features of the disease epidemiology. Theory Evaluate the predominant theory or theories regarding the biological basis of the disorder. Explain the disorder in terms of pertinent neurotransmitter and receptor theories and describe the pertinent evidence of their involvement.
Analyze the neurotransmitter systems in terms of the involved receptors and the use receptor agonists and antagonists in the treatment of the disorder receptor. Include information on the anatomic changes to the central nervous system as appropriate to the topic. Treatment Evaluate drug therapies for treating the disorder based on the current understanding of the biological basis of the disorder and the corresponding behavioral effects of the disorder. Explain pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in relation to the disorder and corresponding drug treatment. Describe any side effects and adverse effects of the drug treatment and their biological basis including issues related to contraindications interactions drug metabolism and elimination. In addition explain risks benefits and ethical implications for high-risk and exceptional treatment conditions.
Conclusion Summarize theories of psychiatric disease as they relate to principles of drug action within the chosen topic. Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of the current theory of the disorder and its treatment and evaluate any controversies regarding ethical and/or risk-benefits perspectives associated with the current treatment. Describe possible areas for future research. Writing the Critical ReviewSources that have to be utilized: Plus additional sources or referencesAdvokat C. D. Comaty J. E. & Julien R. M. (2014). Julien’s primer of drug action: A comprehensive guide to the actions uses and side effects of psychoactive drugs (13th ed.).
Retrieved from https://online.vitalsource.comGehring W.J. Himle J. and Nisenson L.G. (2000). Action Monitoring Dysfunction in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychological Science. Retrieved from C.J. Lujan J.L. Chaturvedi A. Goodman W.K. Okun M.S. McIntyre C.C. and Haq I.U. (2015). Tractography Activation Patterns in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Suggest Better Clinical Responses in OCD DBS. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10.3389/fnins.2015.00519 Retrieved from M. (2010).
Drug treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. Retrieved from M. (2005). Mood in Relation to Subclinical Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms. International Journal of Neuroscience. DOI. 10.1080/00207450590522838 Retrieved from