health among family members
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The aim of health promotion is to improve the health of not only individuals but also populations through health education. One among other models that ensures health promotion is the Ponder’s health promotion model. This model was developed when Nola Pender noticed that health care professionals only paid attention to treating diseases but didn’t recognize the need for promotion of healthy lifestyles. In 1982 therefore, this model came into existence to provide a framework that helps to understand health promotion behaviors by recognizing the family as the unit of assessment and intervention. Through identification of available resources and fostering resilience among individual family members this theory encouraged behavioral changes that led to promotion of health among family members. The other components of this model that influences behavioral change include; recognizing experiences and characteristics of individuals, understanding behavior-specific cognition and affect and implementing behavioral outcomes (Kwong & Kwan, 2007)
As important as health teaching seems, nurses should also be aware of other variables that are likely to affects patient’s ability to learn. Such variables include; race, ethnicity, disability, sex, sex orientation, environmental threats, poverty levels, access to health care and lack of education. Other factors such as cultural, socio-economic and socio-political influences affect the patient’s experiences while other components like stereotype, biases and other forms of discrimination can limit the healthcare providers’ ability to share relevant health information. Being able to self-analyze and analyze their target populations, health providers can effectively eliminate these barriers to safeguard health promotion strategies (Whitney, 2018)
Through the transtheoretical model, health providers are able to assess the patient’s readiness to change. The different stages involved include; precontemplation, contemplation, planning, action, maintenance and termination. As the providers work with patients through this model, they are able to note any positiveness or unwillingness depending on their participation. If patients turn out to be positive, they are more actively involved in the decision making of their specific tailored care plans and this ultimately leads to effective learning outcomes as they continue in healthy living behaviors (Whitney, 2018)
Whitney, S. (2018) Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum. Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from
Kwong, E. W., & Kwan, A. Y. (2007). Participation in health-promoting behavior: Influences on community-dwelling older Chinese people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 57(5), 522-534.
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