Online Written Rubric Thesis
Unit 2 Online Written Assignment Rubric
FO 707: Unit 2 Online Written Assignment Rubric Novice Internship Entry-Level Graduate
When making decisions in our line of work, the conscientious practitioner fully examines both the advantages and disadvantages of using assessment in the counseling process. Using the readings and what you have learned within this course to date, describe at least three (3) benefits and three (3) drawbacks of using assessment procedures in therapeutic work. Students should use critical thought and organization when writing this paper as though it would be presented in court and cite the scientific literature or other court-acceptable sources to substantiate the argument.
Student described 0-2 benefits and 0-2 drawbacks of using assessment procedures in therapeutic work. Student did not use critical thought and there was a significant lack of clarity and organization. Citations used were not on point given the assignment
Student described 2-3 benefits and 2-3 drawbacks of using assessment procedures in therapeutic work. Student did not use critical thought however there was moderate lack of clarity and organization. 1-2 citations were included and at least 1 citation was not on point given the assignment.
Student described three (3) benefits and three (3) drawbacks of using assessment procedures in therapeutic work. Student used critical thought overall however there was some lack of clarity and organization as though it would be presented in court. At least 2 citations were included or other court- acceptable sources to substantiate the argument.
Student described at least three (3) benefits and three (3) drawbacks of using assessment procedures in therapeutic work. Student used critical thought and organization as though it would be presented in court. At least 2 citations were included or other court- acceptable sources to substantiate the argument.