Research Basics of Psychology
The Scientific Method
Identify the problem
Make hypotheses
Collect data (we’re focusing here today)
Analyze data
Form reasonable conclusion based on data
Share your findings
Study Design
One important step in the scientific method is collecting data There are about 100 different ways to do this The design must make sense for your research question
Today, we’ll focus on two major types of study designs
Correlational research
Observing relationships between variables as they naturally occur
The hypothesis is about what that relationship will look like Strong or weak?
Do the variables move in the same direction or the opposite direction?
Several methods used
Natural observation
Problems with Correlations (Cont.)
Can’t tell which variable comes “first” (which variable causes which)
Work Hours Friendliness?
Friendliness Work Hours?
Or whether the variables are causing each other at all
Rape ice cream sales?
The third variable may be influencing both variables
Drawing from a large, random sample of individuals and asking them questions on their behaviors, thoughts, or feelings
Usually self-report