Research management theory and explain how this theory applies to contemporary and socially… 1 answer below »
Learning Objectives Assessed:CL02: Research management theory and explain how this theory applies to contemporary and socially responsible practices. some theory such as (Behavioral view point, Elton mayo/hawthorn study, Managerial communication and Early behaviorism: Hugo Munsterberg.( you must show work on that)CL03: Effectively collaborate with others to locate appropriate resources to organise information and generate management solutions.CL04: Critically (academically) reflect on the relationship between management theory and management research evidence and communicate your knowledge of responsible management practices.Assignment task: What do I need to do?Assignment 2 Part 2 requires students to reflect academically on the experience of performing as a team and write a report on the way the team functioned. Please refer to the guidelines on how to structure the academic reflection.Read the assignment brief carefully and note the submission requirements, resources and support available for this task.You need to include these 5 stage of group and team development in the assignment.