What are your personal reflections after reading the article…
What are your personal reflections after reading the article…
Read Professional Journal Articles and Prepare Literature Reviews: You will write two journal article abstracts/reviews from research articles you have read in professional journals such as the Professional School Counseling Journal or Journal of Mental Health. Journal Article Reviews do not have to be in APA style (i.e. title page and abstract are not required), however, the journal article used must be referenced at the top of your review in APA format. Journal articles must be current (within the last 10 years). Rubric on Blackboard.Below is the expected format for journal article reviews: • Cite the complete reference in APA format at the top of your summary, i.e. Rose, J., & Steen, S. (2014). The achieving success everyday group counseling model: Fostering resiliency in middle school students. Professional School Counseling, 18(1), 28-37. • Purpose/Introduction (Why did the author engage in the research or wrote on the topic?) • Methods/Procedures (How did the author go about conducting the research or gathering information on the topic?) • Results (What did the author find out from the research conducted or information gathered?) • What are the author’s conclusions and or recommendations? • What are your personal reflections after reading the article (how can you use the information as a professional helper?) • Typed (12) font and double-spaced w/ no more than two-pages.6. Join Professional Counseling Organizations: You mustrT Open With J Print