writing assignment
Scale and Proportion: Proportion is the size relationship of parts to a whole and to one another. Scale refers to relating size to a constant, such as a human body.
Objective: Take a photograph that manipulates the viewer’s perception of scale and proportion:
1. Take a range of photographs.
2. Ensure satifactory lighting.
3. Embed the best image into a Word file.
4. Upload the file to bblearn.
5. Include a very brief comment, in the comment section.
*Review the attached files and videos before you begin. Working within a small group may promote this project’s success. Each student should upload a minimum of one original photograph.
An Artist Who Pushes the Limits on Scale and Proportion:
Sculptor Ron Mueck:
Baby Sculpture Construction, (6 m.)
The Most Realistic Sculptures: Part 1, (10 m.)
The Most Realistic Sculptures: Part 2, (10 m.)
The Most Realistic Sculptures: Part 3, (10 m.)
by the way i attached my photo i took it. due date 10 hours from now.