Creative Capstone Short Proposal – nursingessaytutors
The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on your topic choice and develop an initial research question for your project. You have already done some critical thinking and invention related to this assignment, and now you will conduct some preliminary research and begin narrowing your scope. For this assignment, you should focus on finding a direction for your project and composing a solid question to begin your in-depth research.
Your short topic proposal will have three components:
a summary of your background information and research,
a reflection on your topic and area of interest,
an initial research question.
An overview of each section is included below. Your short topic proposal should be at least 500 words. Please remember that you are free and encouraged to consult with our class librarian and your professor at any time during this process.
Section A: Background Information and Research
To complete this section, you should perform background research using the FSW libraries. You may use the catalog and any of the reference and media databases relevant to your area of interest. Your background research can include primary, secondary, and/or tertiary sources.
Discuss what you have discovered about your topic.
You must include at least five (5) sources to support what you have learned during your background research process.
Section B: Reflection
In this section, you should reflect on your knowledge, purposes, and reasoning for pursuing your topic and research question. Your reflection should answer the following questions:
What have you learned in your college courses that has helped you shape your topic and research question? What is your background knowledge about this topic?
Why is this topic important to you? Why would this topic be important to a potential audience?
Section C: Research Question
Include your initial research question or questions. Describe how you are narrowing your scope from your topic and area of interest to a more specific research question.
Rubric Finding Your Topic: Short Proposal
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Background Information & Research
30 pts Full Credit
Demonstrated college-level critical thinking by utilizing research to offer a compelling and insightful perspective on the topic. Included at least five (5) sources.
25 pts Partial Credit
Offered basic summarization of research. Perspective lacked depth on the information of the topic. Did not include all five (5) sources.
20 pts Partial Credit
Did not demonstrate comprehension of research to offer valuable insight. Did not include all five (5) sources.
0 pts No Marks
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reflection 20 pts
Full Credit
Well written reflection that covers all the required components: topic explanation, purpose, advocacy, and college experience.
15 pts Partial Credit
Decently written reflection, but did not address all of the components: topic explanation, purpose, advocacy, and college experience.
10 pts Partial Credit
Barely written reflection that does not address all the required components: topic explanation, purpose, advocacy, and college experience.
0 pts No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Research Question
15 pts Full Credit
Included research question(s) and offered a comprehensive description of how this demonstrates a narrowed focus on the topic/area of interest.
10 pts Partial Credit
Included research question(s), but description of narrowed focus offered basic description and lacked clarity/depth.
7 pts Partial Credit
Either did not include research question(s) and/or did not offer a description of the narrowed scope on the topic/area of interest.
0 pts No Marks
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar
10 pts Full Credit
Information was clearly communicated, using college-level vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. Little to no errors. Met or exceeded word count.
7 pts Partial Credit
Information was communicated, but lacked college-level vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. Errors suggest additional editing skills. Did not meet word count.
5 pts Partial Credit
Information was poorly communicated, lacked coherent ideas, poor grammar and punctuation. Many errors suggest additional editing skills. Did not meet word count.
0 pts No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 75