Let X be an input string. An even parity checker outputs the
Let X be an input string. An even parity checker outputs the
Parity checking is very useful in applications of network communication and datastorage. RAM memory typically incorporates a parity checker on board. RAID usesparity as one method of safeguarding data integrity.Let X be an input string. An even parity checker outputs the value 1 if X contains an oddnumber of 1’s in the input X. The checker outputs the value 0 otherwise.Before the invention of Unicode, ASCII was the standard representation of characters. Inthe ASCII system, there are in total 128 characters (including digits, letters in uppercaseand lowercase, punctuations and selected special characters). Table 1 shows the printableASCII characters (excluding whitespace) that are recognized by MARIE. Each characterhas 7 bits. When the characters are stored on a disk or transmitted across a network, aparity bit may be added to the end of each code to make up for 8 bits.